How to Identify Sexual Harassment at Work

It is important to speak with an informed attorney if you experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. Women and men both can have sexual harassment directed at them, and it may come in several forms.

  • Sexual harassment does not have to be physical or even verbal. Gestures, photos, posters, notes, leering looks and other actions may create a hostile environment.
  • It can be perpetrated by a member of the same sex.
  • It may occur during any work-related event, activity or function regardless of location.
  • It may be a single act or a series of acts.

At Winer, Burritt and Scott, LLP, we work tirelessly on behalf of people throughout California who have experienced sexual harassment. We help people understand their rights, and we work to protect their rights vigorously under California and federal laws.

Don’t be afraid to call “foul” if you are being sexually harassed

Contact an experienced California sexual harassment attorney today at (510) 433-1000.

We offer free initial consultations and serve people throughout the state. All communication is confidential for your security and privacy.

Experienced California Litigators

Our attorneys have obtained verdicts and settlements totaling more than $140 million in California, including some record-setting cases. We fight for our clients, and we believe that informed clients make the best decisions before, during and after the legal process.

We take every logical step to fully prepare your case for the best possible outcome. Reporting and documenting sexual harassment must be done cautiously to be effective. We will help you understand all of the following aspects of sexual harassment:

Contact Our California Work Harassment Attorneys Today

Don’t put up with a sexually hostile work environment or unwanted sexual advances. Don’t wait any longer to consult a lawyer. Contact Winer, Burritt and Scott, LLP, today to speak with an experienced attorney at (510) 433-1000. We pursue all cases on a contingency fee basis.

**We do not represent perpetrators of sexual harassment or those who are accused of sexually harassing behavior.