Sexual harassment resources in the San Francisco area

Posted in Sexual Harassment on July 6, 2016


Sexual harassment in the workplace is a very serious thing. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their workplaces are free from sexual harassment; and if it does happen, they must take steps to stop it.

For victims of sexual harassment at work, it can be difficult to know who to talk to and what to do to stop the behavior. Feelings anxiety, helplessness, and embarrassment can plague the victim, making it difficult to take action.

Victims need to be aware of their legal rights and the support networks available to them. There are a variety of resources available for victims of sexual harassment in the Bay Area. If you are experiencing (or have experienced) sexual harassment, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or another form of violence, please see:

Attorneys for victims of workplace sexual harassment: Winer, McKenna, Burritt & Tillis LLP, helps victims of sexual harassment at work. The firm’s attorneys help victims take legal action against their employer to stop the behavior, and seek compensation to recover financially from the harassment. Free consultation: Call (510) 433-1000.

1999 Harrison Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA 94612

California Department of Fair Employment and Housing: General information about sexual harassment law in California, including employer liability and obligations if sexual harassment is occurring in their workplace.

San Francisco Women Against Rape: A group providing rape crisis support to victims of sexual assault. They also provide support, advocacy, education and other resources to individuals and communities affected by sexual violence.

3543 18th Street, #7
San Francisco, CA 94110

W.O.M.A.N. Inc.: An agency providing a 24-hour support line and therapy to victims of abuse and domestic violence. Call 415-864-4722 or 877-384-3578. W.O.M.A.N. Inc., also provides drop-in support, therapy, peer support, Spanish-speaking services, and support for children.

333 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Trauma Recovery Center: A center that provides mental health and medical services to victims of violent crime, rape, sexual assault, and other trauma. Call 415-437-3000.

2727 Mariposa Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94110